The french are very well-mannered, even strangers wish you bonjour, bonsoir and all that while i just stare at them perplexed.
If somebody is walking in front of you and happens to open a door, he/she holds it till you are also inside/outside. and you are supposed to say, "merci". After slamming the door on a couple of unsuspecting victims, I have also started this practice.
If you wish people and try to blurt out something in french, they are highly pleased. After which you can just sing in English and they will sing along.
Every foreigner has to undergo a compulsory medical examination. The doctor to which i went doesn't speak english well. In the middle, he asked me if i had breast cancer!
A couple was kissing right in front of me in the tram and like all Indian males, I stared with huge bulging eyes. The guy gave me a "I'll smash your ***** to pieces" look and i had to turn some other way, damn!
while I shiver in the cold underneath 4 layers of clothing, french women somehow manage to wear teensy skirts. I take my warmth from it.
They have traffic signals everywhere, even for people who walk, I never follow.
The super markets are gigantic, each item has ten thousand varities - milk has ten varities - creme, demi-creme, rich with calcium, rich with magnesium....... Wish there was one with cyanide. Even toilet cleaners have lots of varities - super strong, strong, mild, rose fragnance, perfumed, red, blue, yellow. Needless to say, I went mad.
Even if you apply a quintal of moisturiser on your face, it is still dry.
You have to drink water from the taps, which, by the way, is RECYCLED!
Pakistanis are very friendly.
And finally, the french think I am married, have a wife with 10 kids home. God knows what they will think after I lose my remaining hair. Granpa vishy?
Trying to track my own self here:
Homesick factor: 5/10
Excitement Factor: 5/10
Image Courtesy: http://www.experts-comptables.fr/