[Warning: long post. Jump to the final Q&A if you can't read the entire post]
ME: Hello all, i just checked my messages to see a particular message from the owner of this group whose profile says 'all you non-veggies c my new video' . So Mr.owner and all the others in this community, do you believe eating non-veg is bad? what exactly is your stance? eating non-veg is against god/ vegetarians are better than those who eat meat/non-veg tastes bad :P?
PS: I'm a strict vegetarian.
Veggie-boy1[Roughly translated to English]: As mentioned in the puranas, eating a dead animal is rakshasa culture and one who eats meat and commits sin is a rakshas. God doesn't care though if you eat meat or not. It's just that eating meat is a sin and thus one loses his way in his quest for god. More penance and devotion is required for non-veggies if they want to reach god. One can happily eat meat if one doesn't care he's committing a sin.
ME: If one follows evolutionary biology; out of the four great apes, namely, gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans and humans, only humans are meat eaters. In fact there is a theory that says we could have separated from the ape lineage and become humans because we had to develop skills for hunting, paving the way for intelligence development. There is no doubt that agriculture started thousands of years after we started hunting and eating meat. We descended from meat eaters or, putting it in your way, we descended from rakshasas.
What i feel is we all have instincts to kill animals and eat them. No one can deny it, it's in our nature. Nurture made us, brahmins and other born vegetarians, loathe meat. At the age of 23, I've realised it's only a matter of food choice. I would eat it if i have to. Of course i would oppose any meat that comes from cruelty towards animals.
Veggie-boy2: what do you mean by saying, "Of course i would oppose any meat that comes from cruelty towards animals"? We can't obtain meat by not killing animals. In other words, non-veg itself is cruelty towards animals. That's why i put the PETA video in my profile which shows the cruelty towards animals from which meat is obtained.
[The PETA video shows pigs, chicken, cows and other animals being cruelly treated in farms, slaughter houses, transportation etc]
ME: There are ways to killing an animal. If you castrate a pig, clip its ears and tail when its young, boil and skin it alive, smash it to the ground and then eat its meat - that's cruelty. [That's what the video shows]
You don't go to a cheetah who kills a deer and say, 'hey, you are being cruel'. We are no different from a cheetah, just that we have alternative dietary options. I see no wrong in opting for meat.
Veggie-boy3: But we have a sense for justice, sin, virtue, compassion, kindness etc. That's why we are asking people to stop eating meat and not a cheetah! :P
ME: The question is whether to eat meat or avoid it and not whether to talk with a cheetah or not. :P My obvious reply to what you said would be, "so what if we have all those?"
Veggie-boy2: If tomorrow some scientist says that eating human flesh would cure AIDS, cancer or some other disease. Can one eat human flesh thinking it is also non-veg? Or if a dinosaur-like creature comes and starts eating men, would you encourage it saying,"once we also killed animals that are smaller than us and so the creature is justified killing us?". So, in my opinion, eating non-veg shouldn't be encouraged.
ME: The instinct for one's own survival is the greatest force that drives one's existence. The instinct to kill something else for your own survival is as human as the instinct of running away from something that's trying to kill you. The strongest reason why people don't hurt each other is because of the fear of consequences. There are other reasons like compassion etc etc but they are not the strongest.
Here's a little piece of fiction that might interest you. You and another man are inside a room. Your life is in danger as you have a deadly disease. The only way you can survive is by killing the other person and eating him or whatever. The circumstances are such that you can easily dispose of the body somewhere, nobody would ever know. The other fellow is no way related to you. So guilt won't follow you in the form of weeping mothers or sisters. Law wouldn't follow you either, you can escape unscathed. Faced with such a situation, how many of you would not opt to kill him? Of course people may say they would rather choose to die than kill, but if that is the case, think again.
Anyways i am digressing from the topic. What i was trying to say is that the only reason society became civilised is because men started to fear the consequences of their actions not because they developed compassion for their fellow beings. Compassion was an after-effect. Faced with the question of survival, nobody is kind.
Veggie-boy3: Mr. Thread starter, would you like it if somebody kills you? No, right? Similarly all animals hold on to their dear lives. Each animal has life, its own desires(sexual desires included). There are so many similarities between them and us. Just because we are more intelligent and stronger, how justified is it to kill them and eat? They have a desire to live. If you see the video, each single animal tried desperately to escape from its imminent death. Even after seeing it if you ask why eating meat is wrong then what should i think of you - that you don't have the capacity to think or arguing is your hobby? Wild animals can't live without eating meat. But we can. Can't we use our intelligence and strength to make them survive better instead of killing them?
One more thing - some people keep saying that even plants have life and isn't it a sin to kill them? I say it is not because to obtain what we want, we need not kill plants. As long as the root and stem are intact they can flower again. But animals can't grow their limbs again.
ME: How many of us have not killed ants, mosquitoes, worms, roaches etc without feeling any amount of remorse? Jains, they take this compassion to a different level, they tie a cloth around their nose so that they don't kill micro-organisms by inhaling them. Do you ever think of that? not killing microbes because they too have desires, some of them are sexual btw. Jains even don't eat roots, they don't eat potatoes or onions because to eat a root they have to kill the plant. Ever think of that buddy?
Coming to your plant theory, you say we don't kill a plant. How do you get your rice? You pluck of the plant and process it in gruesome machines to extract the grains in rice mills :P. Plants reproduce sexually as well. They endure pain as well if JC Bose is to be believed. Probably detaching a fruit from a plant is like detaching a limb from an animal, causing it more pain than killing it forever. Just because we don't see it wailing or begging for its life, you can't say you are not committing a sin. Of course you are; that is if you see killing other fellow living creatures as a sin.
There are fruitarians, vegans and groups with exotic names who only eat fruits that drop from a plant. They don't pluck cause they see it as giving pain to the plant. Do you have the guts to join them? Can you imagine your food without rice, potato fry or onion sambar? Think again. It's similar to those who eat chicken, they can't imagine their food without it either. They were born and brought up in it. They are compassionate as well, they strive for animal welfare as well. I have a bird watching friend who has done things to save flamingos and other migratory birds in India. She enjoys her chicken.
To sum it up, we all have our own levels of tolerance, levels of kindness and levels of compassion etc etc. Some can't think of killing microbes, while others can't kill plants while we can't kill animals. Be happy with what we are rather than be evangelists trying to change others into believing what we believe in. I rest my case here.
"Be happy with what we are rather than be evangelists trying to change others into believing what we believe in. I rest my case here." - could not have ended better.
Of course I am surprised seeing this change in you but then Change should never be surprising as its the only thing that drives us forward, that reinvents us cos we did be bored of ourselves if thats not the case.
And Yeah I never knew about the Jain philosophy until i read this post - thanks for this piece of gyaan.
I did like to write many other things but then there is no need for me to publicize my beliefs especially when I have a vegetarian vouching for my beliefs:D
Well, I appreciate how you presented(nicely) the rubbish somebody put on the thread :P. Now that is compassion, consideration...hehe. It would have been nice if the thread's link was also in the blog. I would have rolled on the floor while I read the replys in different accents.
Very finely put, man!! gives me immense pleasure to read such a fine piece of objectivism. kudos!!
This particular part surely deserves praise
"....What i was trying to say is that the only reason society became civilised is because men started to fear the consequences of their actions not because they developed compassion for their fellow beings. Compassion was an after-effect."
Nothing to comment on the topic of the argument or on your opposition, have resolved long back to come to peace with such tripe.
Btw, you would have greatly enjoyed while you were at it.
You bet, i enjoyed it thoroughly. Nothing like an argument that you are winning ;)
Interesting argument that was !!!
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